A poem by Cara L McKee
March 22, 2017
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All these things are gold and shining,
all these things are good.
All these things are worth the holding
if we only could.
All these things can make me feel good,
hugs before I go
(keep them with me if I just could),
gift of a rainbow.
Hugs before I go from mother,
rain falls like a spell,
a gorgeous rainbow, and another,
I know friends are well.
Rain falls like a benediction,
forming into rivers,
I know friends are well and living
e’en though they leave us.
All these crossings over rivers,
Greet them with a kiss.
All will grow and all will leave us
but come home to this.
And from my family a kiss:
a kiss worth the holding,
and I am gladly home to this.
These things are gold and shining.